Design Inspi­ra­tion

Urban Hacienda

With deep cul­tur­al roots in tra­di­tion­al Mex­i­can and Span­ish colo­nial archi­tec­ture, hacien­da-inspired inte­ri­ors have long been a sta­ple in restau­rant design. Now, this endur­ing aes­thet­ic has been pro­pelled into the mod­ern world, as the urban hacien­da design style com­bines its time-hon­ored authen­tic­i­ty with new, con­tem­po­rary ele­ments.


Equal parts bold, play­ful, and invit­ing, the urban hacien­da aes­thet­ic is both ground­ed in its her­itage and fueled by inno­v­a­tive spir­it. Let’s take a clos­er look at the key ingre­di­ents for this unique blend of design ele­ments, set­ting you up with the secret recipe to cre­ate your own sig­na­ture look. Our fea­tured space is LIME Fresh Mex­i­can Grill, a casu­al-cool eatery ded­i­cat­ed to reimag­in­ing culi­nary favorites with fresh ingredients—the ide­al set­ting for an urban hacien­da vibe.


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Distressed Ash Table Top with Branded Logo

The dis­tinct char­ac­ter of dis­tressed ash echoes the resilience and dynam­ic spir­it of the mod­ern urban hacien­da aes­thet­ic. With its one-of-a-kind nat­ur­al distressing—something you sim­ply can’t achieve with man­u­fac­tured dis­tress­ing processes—the wood brings a sub­tly rus­tic, yet sophis­ti­cat­ed ele­ment that beau­ti­ful­ly com­ple­ments the earthy ele­gance of urban hacien­da inte­ri­ors.

Each of the table tops fea­tures the restaurant’s logo, which has been expert­ly brand­ed into the wood. This cus­tom addi­tion enhances the over­all look, while pro­vid­ing a durable touch that guar­an­tees the LIME Fresh name will be seen by din­ers for years to come.

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Dis­tressed Ash Table Top from Old Domin­ion Fur­ni­ture Co.; avail­able in a broad range of sizes, shapes, fin­ish­es, and more


Park Chair & Stool

With its har­mo­nious com­bi­na­tion of sharp angles and grace­ful curves, the Park series of seat­ing solu­tions is an ide­al option that fits seam­less­ly into this aes­thet­ic. Its sol­id beech con­struc­tion and mid cen­tu­ry-mod­ern design intro­duce a sleek con­trast to the tra­di­tion­al­ly warm and rus­tic ele­ments of urban hacien­da decor.

In this inte­ri­or, a com­bi­na­tion of the Park Chair and Park Stool was used to offer var­i­ous seat­ing heights to suit both stan­dard and bar-style tables. The legs and frame of each chair and stool was paint­ed in either a sleek con­crete-gray or a neon shade of orange, yel­low, or pink—a col­or­ful design choice that makes an impres­sive impact.

Whether you opt for an under­stat­ed, cohe­sive look with a clas­sic wood fin­ish or add a pop of col­or with cus­tom uphol­stery or paint, the Park Chair is an out­stand­ing addi­tion to your design.

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Park Chair and Stool series from Old Domin­ion Fur­ni­ture Co.


Augusta Series Booth

In this fea­tured design, the booths stand out as a shin­ing exam­ple of func­tion­al­i­ty inter­twined with aes­thet­ic sophis­ti­ca­tion. Ful­ly uphol­stered in a warm mus­tard yel­low, the Augus­ta booths are effort­less­ly rem­i­nis­cent of the vibrant palette char­ac­ter­is­tic of many tra­di­tion­al hacien­das. The sim­ple shape com­ple­ments the clean lines that define the space, enhanc­ing the mod­ern flair amidst tra­di­tion­al tex­tures.

Pro­vid­ing an ele­ment of com­fort in the form of plush seat­ing, the booths ensure every inch of the din­ing area is max­i­mized for both aes­thet­ic appeal and func­tion­al use. The result is a din­ing envi­ron­ment that per­fect­ly embod­ies the urban hacien­da style—where mod­ern meets rus­tic, and every detail con­tributes to an invit­ing atmos­phere.

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Augus­ta Uphol­stered Booth from Old Domin­ion Fur­ni­ture Co., avail­able in a wide vari­ety of con­fig­u­ra­tions, styles, back/seat heights, etc.


Cast Iron Cross Leg Table Base

There are plen­ty of eye-catch­ing ele­ments in this fresh, mod­ern space, so the cast iron cross leg table base is intend­ed to serve its pur­pose with­out draw­ing too much atten­tion. Its sol­id con­struc­tion anchors the design both visu­al­ly and prac­ti­cal­ly, bal­anc­ing the light wood tones and col­ors.

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Cast Iron Cross Leg Table Base from Old Domin­ion Fur­ni­ture Co.


Handmade Tile Focal Wall

Although some beach house-inspired inte­ri­ors stick to a sole­ly neu­tral col­or palette, many opt to include a curat­ed selec­tion of more col­or­ful — and even play­ful — ele­ments. Here, an eye-catch­ing wall­pa­per in shades of deep navy and seafoam green is a stun­ning back­drop for all of the lighter tones through­out the space. The repeat­ing palm leaves cre­ate a large-scale pat­tern, so the final effect isn’t over­whelm­ing or busy.

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Modern Floral Wallpaper

It’s no sur­prise that a coastal col­or palette draws inspi­ra­tion from the scenic set­tings that inspire this design style. Mut­ed shades of blue and green, sandy beige, warm white, and light grays are all com­mon col­or options, often lean­ing towards cool tones. When assem­bling your own col­or palette for coastal design, look to shades that remind you of sea glass, sand, sky, and of course, the ocean.

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Glass Pendant Lights

Sim­ple glass pen­dant lights serve a func­tion­al pur­pose, while allow­ing the many oth­er com­po­nents of the design to tru­ly shine. In this space, the choice to use mul­ti­ple pen­dants inter­spersed with oth­er light­ing styles helps enhance the home-like, wel­com­ing feel of the din­ing area with­out weigh­ing down the over­all look.


Infuse Your Space with Custom-Crafted Style

Vari­ety is the spice of life—and excep­tion­al design. No mat­ter what aes­thet­ic you’re inspired by, our tai­lor-made solu­tions offer a lim­it­less range of pos­si­bil­i­ties. If you’re ready to turn your design ideas into real­i­ty, reach out to our expe­ri­enced team to get start­ed today.