Terms & Conditions

Customer’s pay­ment for or accep­tance of ship­ment for any orders con­sti­tutes accep­tance of 
Old Domin­ion Fur­ni­ture Company’s (Old Domin­ion) terms and con­di­tions. Any addi­tion­al, dif­fer­ent or incon­sis­tent terms pro­posed by Cus­tomer must be agreed upon in writ­ing by Cus­tomer and 
Old Domin­ion.

Product Changes & Improvements

Peri­od­i­cal­ly, mod­i­fi­ca­tions are made to improve prod­ucts. In this event, prod­ucts may vary slight­ly from pub­lished dimen­sions, spec­i­fi­ca­tions and images. All pub­lished dimen­sions and weights are approx­i­mate. Any prod­uct may be dis­con­tin­ued at any time with­out pri­or notice.

Uphol­stery col­ors are sub­ject to dye lot vari­a­tions and due to the char­ac­ter­is­tics of wood, stain col­ors may vary and are con­sid­ered typ­i­cal.


The infor­ma­tion in this price list super­sedes any and all pri­or pub­lished pric­ing. Prices are per unit unless oth­er­wise not­ed. Pric­ing is sub­ject to change with­out pri­or notice. All prices are F.O.B. Ori­gin and do not include i) freight or ii) any duties and local, state or fed­er­al tax­es. In the event that it is request­ed that Old Domin­ion pay any tax, duty or oth­er charge, Cus­tomer agrees to direct­ly pay the author­i­ty impos­ing the tax, duty or charge, includ­ing any han­dling and pro­cess­ing fees. In lieu of such pay­ment, Cus­tomer shall pro­vide Old Domin­ion at the time the order is placed an exemp­tion cer­tifi­cate or oth­er doc­u­ment accept­able to the author­i­ty impos­ing the tax, duty or charge.


For approved open accounts, terms of pay­ment on stock goods are net 30 days from the date of invoice. For approved open accounts a 50% deposit is required on orders for cus­tom goods pri­or to the order releas­ing to pro­duc­tion. Full pay­ment is required before ship­ping for non­rat­ed or new accounts. A late charge of 2% per month will be added to accounts 30 days past due. The Cus­tomer agrees to pay costs, fees and expens­es, includ­ing attor­neys’ fees and court costs incurred by Old Domin­ion for col­lec­tion efforts for delin­quent accounts.

Old Domin­ion reserves the right to alter or can­cel cred­it terms at its dis­cre­tion, and request pay­ment in advance of the order releas­ing to pro­duc­tion and/or ship­ping.

Orders & Order Acknowledgments

Pur­chase orders may be sub­mit­ted via email to 
cs@www.olddominionfurniture.com or fax (434) 845‑7614. Old Domin­ion is not respon­si­ble for dupli­cate orders. All orders received and accept­ed by Old Domin­ion will be acknowl­edged in writ­ing to the Cus­tomer. Cus­tomer must noti­fy Old Domin­ion imme­di­ate­ly of any dis­crep­an­cy between pur­chase order and acknowl­edg­ment; oth­er­wise Old Domin­ion can accept no respon­si­bil­i­ty for man­u­fac­tur­ing and ship­ping oth­er than in accor­dance with the acknowl­edg­ment.

Changes & Cancellations

Orders may not be changed or can­celled with­out the writ­ten con­sent of Old Domin­ion. Con­sent may be with­held, grant­ed or grant­ed sub­ject to con­di­tions, ser­vice charges and/or price changes, and is the sole dis­cre­tion of Old Domin­ion. 
Old Domin­ion reserves the right to refuse or reject any order at any time.

Shipping & Freight Claims

Old Domin­ion Freight Pro­gram: Ship­ping charges pre­paid by Old Domin­ion will include an admin­is­tra­tive charge and Old Domin­ion reserves the right to use its car­ri­er of choice. Deliv­ery is on a dock to dock basis. Spe­cial requests such as lift gate at deliv­ery, inside deliv­ery, noti­fy before deliv­ery, etc. must be not­ed on the Customer’s pur­chase order and are sub­ject to addi­tion­al charges.

Freight Dam­age Claims: It is the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the Con­signee to thor­ough­ly inspect all incom­ing prod­uct. Dam­ages and short­ages must be not­ed on the deliv­ery receipt and Old Domin­ion must be noti­fied imme­di­ate­ly. Ship­ping con­tain­ers must be retained to qual­i­fy for a freight claim. Fail­ure to note dam­ages or short­ages at time of deliv­ery con­sti­tutes accep­tance of mer­chan­dise and waiv­er of any dam­ages 
or short­ages.
Third Par­ty Freight: For Cus­tomers han­dling their own freight, freight terms are F.O.B. Ori­gin and the goods are the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the Con­signee at the time the bill of lad­ing is signed by the car­ri­er at pick up at point of ori­gin. In the case of dam­ages or short­ages, the Cus­tomer is respon­si­ble for han­dling and pro­cess­ing claims.


No prod­uct may be returned with­out Old Dominion’s writ­ten autho­riza­tion, which may be grant­ed or with­held at the sole dis­cre­tion of Old Domin­ion. Items autho­rized for return require a fac­to­ry pro­vid­ed return autho­riza­tion num­ber and may incur a 20% restock­ing fee. Items return to Old Domin­ion with­out an autho­riza­tion num­ber will be refused.

All sales are final on cus­tom goods. Most items are made to order to meet our cus­tomers’ spec­i­fi­ca­tions (stain, uphol­stery, size, shape, etc) and are there­fore con­sid­ered cus­tom.


Com­plet­ed orders may be safe­ly stored at Old Dominion’s facil­i­ty, space per­mit­ting, for up to 14 days from the orig­i­nal acknowl­edged ship date. In the event that the order has not shipped by the 15th day, stor­age charges will be applied to the order at a rate of 3% of the order’s val­ue for every 30 days the order remains at Old Dominion’s facil­i­ty. There is a min­i­mum stor­age charge of $150 for the first 30 days. Stor­age charges must be paid in full before the order can release to ship.