Quality Statement

Commitment to Quality

Table Tops

Our table tops are made with region­al­ly sourced lum­ber and go through an inten­sive six step fin­ish­ing process to ensure a strong, beau­ti­ful sur­face. The ini­tial coat of stain is wiped on by hand and then wiped down with a wash coat to ensure deep pen­e­tra­tion of col­or. All voids are then filled with an oil-based filler cre­at­ing the smoothest of wood sur­faces. Final­ly, each top receives 3 coats of con­ver­sion var­nish with sand­ing between each coat for a hard, durable fin­ish. Our table tops are made from start to fin­ish at our facil­i­ty in Vir­ginia giv­ing us a total qual­i­ty con­trol and ensur­ing the high­est qual­i­ty fin­ished prod­uct.

Chairs & Barstools

All of our chairs and bar stools are care­ful­ly built, fin­ished and uphol­stered using only high-qual­i­ty hard­wood frames, pre­mi­um grade fin­ish­es and high-den­si­ty com­mer­cial grade foam result­ing in a prod­uct that will with­stand years of use. Like our table tops, our chairs and bar stools make their way through our fac­to­ry in Vir­ginia pass­ing sev­er­al qual­i­ty check­points. These check­points inspect the struc­tur­al integri­ty, the fin­ish con­sis­ten­cy and the uphol­stery tech­nique of each prod­uct so that when an item ships we are con­fi­dent it meets the high­est stan­dards, our customer’s.


Our booths are built to last from the inside out. One piece frame con­struc­tion cre­ates sta­bil­i­ty and elim­i­nates joints that can become loose with use. Unlike tra­di­tion­al spring seats, our web seat­ing com­bined with high-den­si­ty ure­thane foam cre­ates a seat that will hold its shape for the life of the booth. Our booth bases are cov­ered in a heavy duty tex­tured plas­tic and rein­forced with cor­ner pro­tec­tors to with­stand heavy traf­fic and con­stant clean­ing. Supe­ri­or crafts­man­ship com­bined with the high­est qual­i­ty raw mate­ri­als and con­stant atten­tion to detail allows us to meet design spec­i­fi­ca­tions while pro­duc­ing a durable prod­uct that will sit com­fort­ably and last for many years.