Basics don’t have to be boring.

We set the bar high when it comes to style, qual­i­ty, and func­tion — and even bet­ter, we have the child seat­ing essen­tials you need in stock and ready to ship now.

Order Today!

Call us today to learn more about pur­chas­ing options.

Partner with a company trusted by a diverse range of clients


Safe, Stylish Essentials Ready When You Need Them


Skip the hassle of shipping delays.

Your project requires a large quan­ti­ty of com­mer­cial fur­ni­ture, but that doesn’t mean you have to sac­ri­fice style.

Group 1183

Get peace of mind with ASTM safety certified seating.

The safe­ty of your small­est guests is our biggest pri­or­i­ty, which is why we nev­er cut cor­ners.


Reap the benefits of a smarter high chair design.

Our high­chairs are light­weight and stack­able for an effi­cient use of space.


Take advantage of customizable options to create a unique look.

With unlim­it­ed paint and stain choic­es, our cus­tom child seat­ing options can be a seam­less addi­tion to your over­all aes­thet­ic.


Maximize value and longevity with unmatched durability.

Sol­id oak con­struc­tion ensures that our high­chairs can stand up to just about any­thing.


See How Our High Chair Options Stack Up

Con­nect with our team for cus­tom design details or to place an order today.